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pushing my buttons

God has a sense of humour.

Just when I decided to curb my enthusiasm for all things superficial, this photo assaulted me over my afternoon coffee. 


Can not find one thing that I don't absolutely adore in this photo.

Okay,  maybe the stools.....if I was to be super-picky.

Actually, upon closer inspection, they're sort of perfect in this setting.

Is this environment essential for the race I am running?


Do I really, really, really wish it was?

Yes, a thousand times yes!

Do I have hidden {or not so hidden} shallows?

Yes, a thousand times yes!


Note to self:  stop buying shelter mags.
okay, maybe only every second month...as a treat.
Then again, I might need to wean myself slowly
 - would be disastrous to go cold turkey and then fall off the wagon, right? 
 tap. tap. tap. 1-2-3 is this thing on?

Meredy xo.

p.s.  did you see the over bench lights??
pray for me.

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