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What's in the Box No. 17

16 Elm St. is a very nice kit with a lot of parts included.
I really wanted a new and better detailed farm house for my Northfield Falls scene. I picked up this nice Mount Blue Model Co. Maine home at this years Springfield train show. The prototype Elm St. home is found near Philips, Maine and is the summer home of the model company owner. There is a lot of nice detailed doors and windows  not to mention the screened porch which makes the building what it is. If one looks back through the more recent posts you will see it completed...will post construction photos shortly.

In the kit there are many pieces which all are easy to locate. The instructions are very good and the parts sheets identify each piece. The windows need to be built up that takes some time. Most of the small trim and windows are self sticking. The screen doors are really nice with an etched plastic piece which looks like real screening. There are extra screen door options included...George Dutka

There are a lot of windows to build and install. All the parts are easy to identify using the plans.
The exterior walls and the screen door sheet.
An interior could be added as each room has a door opening. The walls work well as bracing also. The plans indicate the use of each room.
Mount Blue Model Co. display model of 16 Elm St. at this years Springfield train show.

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