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Are you still with me?

Wow, really? Well, thanks! After an inexcusably long absence, I'm back to say, I'm not really back. I'll leave the consistent blogging to those who do it much better than I, but I certainly hope to pop in now and then with random and occasional updates!

Where I have I been? Well, living! Living in Winnipeg. Between work, the dogs, the hubs, and keeping up our house, I just haven't been able to carve a niche into my day to find a space for creating and blogging. I must admit, I'm also completely uninspired. I absolutely love our neighbourhood, and our house is FANTASTIC for us right now. It is exactly what we needed as newcomers to a new city. There really would have been no other better way for us to be introduced to a new province and I can't imagine we considered buying from afar for even a moment. That said, this isn't my home. I guess if I saw us here for years and years to come, I would feel more inspired to decorate and put my touch on this home- but since it's not the case, I just can't find it in me to do it.

I do still have to tackle our pantry though, and with the in-laws coming to visit for the first time in a week and a half, I think it'll be checked off my list this coming weekend! I also hope to take some pictures of monochromatic dining room, which happens to be my favourite yet most unused room in the house- funny how that happens, hey?

PS. Where did summer go? How is it pumpkin spice latte time already?

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