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Teaser: Decorating the Gotham city block

I'm slowly wrapping up the first Gotham building - the structure itself and the basic airbrushing is done. There are three main stages left:
  • decorating the interior walls with printed floors and wallpapers
  • painting the exterior
  • adding decals (Batman-themed posters: "I believe in Harbey Dent", poster for the Grayson family show with "Canceled" bar, ad for the Iceberg Lounge... I printed a couple of these and plan on using them on most of my Gotham buildings)
I wouldn't be myself if I didn't post some WIP photos - so here you go, some teasers before I post the finished version (Saturday/Sunday probably):

Here's how the interior walls are going to look like...
(click for the bigger version)
 ...and the exterior ones:
(click for the bigger version)
I'll probably post a tutorial on doing the brickwork after I finish the building.

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