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Grandpa Roy Column!

Hey guys, Drew back here. With one more test to go, this school year is just about in the books for me, and I can't wait until I'm able to leave the madhouse that will be my Geometry Regents exam. Anyway, Grandpa gave me a question recently, and I wanted to see if any of you knew the answer? Here goes:

Throughout the history of Major League baseball, teams frequently change stadiums and cities. This makes it difficult to hit a lot of home runs in the same ballpark for so many years. Which hitter has the most home runs of all time in one ballpark? Name the player, ballpark, and number of home runs if you can! 

Player: Mel Ott
Stadium: Polo Grounds
# of HR's: 323

Alright everyone, you know the drill! One guess a day, and please try to limit your uses of stat websites, unless its extremely necessary! Good luck, and See Ya!

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