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The Battle Of Noctzehrerberg Abbey Part 1

 At long last, the post is here where we continue the adventures of Istriya, Aly, Alice, and Zorelle. And of course, Cosmo the Screamer of Tzeentch and Blossom the Dryad. But also Sister Trinity and Pomona. Mr Joe P. is the hero player for this game while I play the monsters in this wargame-RPG-lite hybrid scenario.

Without further ado, lets get right to the story.

In a forest in the province of Sylvania, a band of mercenaries (mercenarettes? female adventurers for hire) await the delegates from the White Tower...

Left to Right: Aly the Elf, Istriya the Witch, Zorelle of Minas Tirith, and Mad Alice of Lake Town.

Istriya: Where did Kyra say she was going to vacation?

Zorelle: Well, she did say that after working long hours at Gringotts for decades she needed to chill someplace that served pina coladas.

Istriya: There is a Rainforest Smoothie Joint in East Osgiliath thats pretty good. But the view isnt all that good, I mean Minas Ithil is right across the river.

Zorelle: No, I think Kyra wants an exotic view to go with her drink. I believe she said she wanted to see the Bay of Belfalas. Its swan season. Anyway, we are on our own for this mission. Aly are you still moping back there?

Istriya: Yup. She is pining over her lost pet Cosmo, again. This time he ran after a speeding jackalope. They were last seen heading north along the Anduin.

Aly: *sighs* Its not supposed to be this way. I raised Cosmo since he was a tadpole.

Zorelle: Hey. Shake it off. Rub some dirt on it. We're all in strung out shape, but stay frosty. I want this thing to go smooth and by the numbers! These Sisters of Sigmar that are coming will be accompanying us on this quest.
Left to Right: Istriya, Alice, Sister Trinity

Sister Trinity: Good Morr to you. (Editor: Morr = god of death, also worshipped in the Empire)

Alice: *raises hand* Is this going to be a  stand-up fight or a bughunt?

Sister Trinity: All we know is there is still no contact with the first team that was sent to investigate, and that a xenomorph may be involved.

Istriya: Its a bughunt. I hope. I got some spells for an Ankheg Motel. They check in, but they dont check out!
Sister Pomona: *notices the moody she-elf* Whats up, buddy?

Aly: I have no purpose. Im just a pet owner. The world is full of pet owners.

Sister Pomona: If you love someone, set them free. A wise Harkonnen said that once.

And off go our heroes. As the heroes reach the village nearest to the Abbey, they find the villagers hesitant to talk about the cursed Abbey which they claim has been a place of evil where cultists gather and perform dark rituals. Sister Trinity think the villagers themselves are possibly the cultists and tells the heroes not to trust them and to stay alert. None of the villagers will guide them to the site but they point the heroes in the direction of the ruins of the Abbey.

Again to recap, here is the Scenario Summary:

Recently a Gondorian special task force was sent to the ruins of the Abbey of Noctzehrerberg in the province of Sylvania. They have gone missing and havent been heard from for over a month. That team was sent to investigate disturbing rumors of cult activity in that area. The heroes are now tasked to discover the fate of the missing team. The Sisters of Sigmar send Sister Trinity and her apprentice Pomona to accompany the heroes. As the heroes reach the village nearest to the Abbey, they find the villagers hesitant to talk about the cursed Abbey which they claim has been a place of evil where cultists gather and perform dark rituals. Sister Trinity think the villagers themselves are the cultists and tells the heroes not to trust them. They find a hermit who lives at the edge of the village who points the heroes in the direction of the ruins of the Abbey.

Board Setup
Table size is 22" x 30". Place an altar touching a 22" edge at its center. Place a menhir (standing stone) in the center of the game board. Place a treasure chest 8" away from the altar in the direction of the menhir. Around the board are some 6" clusters of terrain - ruins, trees, and rocks. Each player takes turns placing down 1 such area each. No cluster of terrain can be in 2" of other terrain.

The heroes (4 heroes and Blossom the Dryad) and the 2 Sisters of Sigmar deploy on the 22" edge furthest away from the altar. Nothing else is on the board at the start of the game.

See DM Only info.

Special Rules
See DM Only info.

Victory Conditions
See DM Only info.
The girls have divided into two teams. Aly, Zorelle, and Alice take the southern route to the abbey. Aly is on point. She takes the high ground and surveys the area ahead.

Zorelle: Alice, do you think those villagers are part of this cult? Maybe they have something to do with the missing Gondorian Team.

Mad Alice: I dont know, but the Abbey of Noctzehrerberg is just up ahead.
Istriya's team reaches the menhir (standing stone). It is covered in a language that none of the heroes or Sisters of Sigmar can understand. Istriya can search the stone further. She does and it springs some sort of magical trap that sends a shimmer of energy up into the air with a hum.

Istriya: Oh for shame!

Sister Pomona: I wonder what that did?

(Editor: The hero player was asked if they wanted to search the location further. And the trap was sprung. A silent alarm was set off and now d6 Ghosts will appear from a random direction every turn.)
Sister Trinity and Pomona next come upon a treasure chest. Inside the treasure chest is a book entitled "The Cold Ruinous Murder Of E.R.". Sister Trinity is the only one present who can translate the ancient language the book is written in. The book is a series of incantations. If Sister Trinity can study the book for 6 turns without being interrupted she can nullify the powerful magic that surrounds the area.

Pomona decides she will search the treasure chest further. A poison trap is sprung. Pomona is poisoned!
Meanwhile, Zorelle, Aly and Alice get to the standing stone.

Alice: Boss, we're not alone. *points at Ghosts* They are here.

Zorelle: Those things are fast. And ethereal. Terrain doesnt slow them down. Lets hold them off and buy time for Istriya to figure things out at the Abbey.~
Istriya and Blossom head into the ruins of the Abbey. Sister Trinity and Pomona follow. Pomona feels feverish.

Istriya gets to the upper level of the Abbey.

Istriya: This is a good spot to defend. *sees graffiti on the wall* It says "Frank was here..." I wonder if Frank was part of the missing team?

Blossom the Dryad: We are so high. I think I can see my house from here!

Pomona collapses from the poison and is knocked out of the game. Trinity heads upstairs so she can begin studying the book.

 Ghosts attack the the Abbey! Istriya is wounded, but she fires back with a bolt of Lightning. And Blossom uses herself as a focal point to summon the Fury of the Forest which batters a Ghost off the wall.

Istriya: You Ghosts think you can come into Frank's place?

Blossom: This is Frank's place. Stay out of Frank's place. Dont ever come into Frank's place again!

Next post: Part 2 of the Battle of Noctzehrerberg Abbey.





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