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"Take this with all speed" - Napoleonic Vignette

Orders are quickly dispatched to couriers in the field - Perry Miniatures

On the theme of Napoleonic Vignettes/Command Stands/Dioramas, I thought I would add in another one that I prepared for our Waterloo day in June.  This particular group is modelled to represent the flurry of activity in the Corps Commanders staff as the events of battle continue to unfold.

A Divisional General takes the time to unravel what his formation has just be ordered to accomplish 

Another view - this really is an excellent figure with great details and poise

A messenger from the 7th Hussars arrives to pass on his report to a thoroughly disinterested staff officer. 

The action at the table is furious - really well sculpted piece.

Another view of the wax sealed message being given to the ADC.

This is a combination of quite a few figures from varying sets in the Perry Napoleonic French range and they all work very well together in my humble opinion.

Might get the lads out again over the weekend.

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