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Peanut Crusted Chicken and Peanut Rice

I wonder why kids are crazy about chicken.  Wherever they grow up or however they are exposed to food, chicken will always be number one.  And I have two chicken lovers at home, always ready to pounce on them and smothered with its undying partner - ketchup!  I myself grew up with fried chicken thighs delightfully covered with, what else?  Ketchup!  Fortunately, you will never find fried chicken in Italy so my eating habit was put to a halt.  You will only find rotisserie chicken with roasted potatoes.  It's healthier of course and so good too!  But my childhood chicken eating habits nag me at times so I came up with different ways to make my chicken crunchy, and this one has an Asian twist to it being all covered up with peanuts coupled with rice sprinkled with peanuts too.  Yum! 
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