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J.O.S.H FPS Multi-player Game | Made in India 🇮🇳 | (Review)

J.O.S.H FPS Multi-player Game | Made in India 🇮🇳 | (Review)


Hanji kya chal hai, You can try this game as it is An Indian FPS Multi-player game. 
This game was lauched on September 2020 and had been recently updated on 5 November 2020. Size of this game is approximately 400  mb. 

This game have two maps one is of warehouse and second is of desert type. You can play this game with your friends by creating servers or room. This game also have some drawbacks like all the guns in this game appears to be same. 

Also colour of almost all the guns are same. Sometime game get pause at certain moments like after death webcam. But this is an indian game so i want you to try this game and share your experience with me.

 All the games that we provide to you are genuine and free. Thank you

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