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Haul: Priceline 40% off Skincare Sale

Welcome back to my page lovelies. As you all might know, Priceline had a massive 40% off Skincare sale which only went over two days (30th and 31st of July). I picked up some old and also new products and I just wanted to share what I bought with you guys. When I got home, I realized I bought 1 of everything; so 1 cleanser, 1 moisturizer, 1 exfoliate .. etc, which I thought was cool!

So here are all the products that I bought and I'm really excited to try them all out.
You guys have seen these items before so I picked them up since they were so cheap! It's the Nivea Shine Control Mattifying Gel Cream and Simple Kind to Eyes Makeup Remover. You guys already know that I love the moisturizer but I don't think I've talked about the eye makeup remover. It claims that it can remove all waterproof mascaras but it actually doesn't so I use this more to remove the makeup on my face. My face feels really refreshed and I love that about this remover. 

And here are all the new products that I bought which I'm so excited to use. I got the Pond's Oil Control Skin Mattifying Facial Foam, Sukin Purifying Facial Masque and St. Ives Blemish Control Green Tea Scrub. I bought the Pond's cleanser since it claims that it mattifies the skin and if you've been reading my posts, you guys know that I have oily to combination skin. I hope this works out for me so I can give a good review on it. I've been reading reviews on the Sukin Facial Masque and most people have been giving it 4-5 star ratings so I wanna give this a go to see if it makes any difference to my skin. And lastly I got the St. Ives Green Tea scrub since I'm done with my Apricot scrub! I smelt it while I was in the store and couldn't resist and plus, I love Green Tea and wanted to try something new. 

Last but not least, this little baby. The Olay Regenerist Specialty Cleanser. I've been wanted a Clarisonic Mia for awhile now after hearing such amazing results from Youtube Gurus. Now, the Clarisonic retails for about $139.00 AUD and the Olay Cleanser retails at Priceline for $32.49 but after the 40% off it came down to $19.49! I love bargains like this, especially after hearing good reviews on it. The brush head is typically smaller than the Clarisonic but it still does the job. I'm excited to try this out and will hopefully give you guys a review on it soon!
Just a little more information about the Olay Specialty Cleanser; it has a 2-Speed Setting Control and it's also Water Resistant. The Brush head can be purchased at Priceline for about $10 and should be changed every 2-3 months. This kit comes with a sample of the "Skin Renewal Cleanser" which hopefully works well for my skin. It's battery operated and easy to store away!

That concludes my haul, so hopefully you guys enjoyed!

Please comment down below if you guys are interested in purchasing any of these products or what you bought from the 40% off Skincare Sale! 

Until next time, xx
Nina Ngo 

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