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Is This Gratuitous? Catwoman #70

Catwoman #70
Originally uploaded by Heidi Meeley
After a sad week of sorts with the passing of the wonderful Mike Wieringo, I didn't know if I wanted to do the gratuitous post any more. It took some soul searching to decide that this weekly feature is more of a quest for opinions and a bit of fun then a biting, mean spirited venture.

So here I am.

As a huge fan of Adam Hughes' art, and as someone that knows he draws the ladies a bit gratuitous to begin with, I was a bit unsure about selecting this cover. What made me finally decide to is the pose. Catwoman is doing a bit of a Janet Jackson imitation. The only thing different is the lack of men's hands and the fact that she is wearing a top. Otherwise, that is what this cover reminded me of.

I was a bit surprised at how exagerated her proportions were compared to normal as well. It made me wonder if this was a bit over the top. As an Amazons Attack crossover, I was very surprised not to see another woman on the cover pointing a spear at Selina or doing something with a weapon. The basic nature of this cover caught me off guard.

I have to ask you: Is this gratuitous?

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