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How Pretentious Should Blogging Be?

Sitting at my desk today during lunch, I took a spin around the blogosphere to see what the latest thoughts were. I was struck that one of my fellow bloggers felt the need to comment on the low quality of reviews and musings done by other blogs. My first thought was this: since when is blogging being judged on quality of content? In my opinion, a blog was a place a person could be free to express their thoughts and opinions in any way they damn well feel like it. This isn’t a contest or a profession. To most bloggers, I believe it is a labor of love- nothing less and nothing more.

As someone who has done reviews for a “comic book review site”, I do realize that there is a difference between composition and free flow. When I have prepared my reviews for the review site, I have gone more in depth and made sure to comment on the book’s creators. Here at my blog I sometimes do prior composition on Word, but other times I just want to point out a cool book. I hope I am not judged on my wording and superior grasp of the English language. I always just assumed that as fellow comic bloggers we are trying to give a heads up, not impress the crap out of each other with our grammar.

Enough of that rant. What are your thoughts?

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