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Flea Market set up

This is going to be short and sweet for today only . I took a few pictures Saturday of my tables and wanted to share

Also Saturday if anyone had  mentioned they had read my blog I was going to let them pick out any one item they wanted  off my tables  (didn't happen)

I live in a dead zone I mean I think I am the only one around here that even reads blogs . I shouldn't say that I know 3 people who read blogs.
Flea markets just aren't big around here like Round Top Texas and Brimfiled Massachusetts and up in Minnesota and around Chicago but don't think I will move to any of those areas so will just keep reading about them on blogs

I am going to paint my little chalkboard white soon as I get caught up on other things I am working on

                    These babies took the car ride to the flea market and back home with me


      I took 12 boxes of old costume vintage jewelry and sold lots of it.                                               
I checked Between Naps On the Porch and she is having Metamorphosis

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