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Christmas Eve Baking!

Happy Holidays to all! It is Christmas Eve and because I couldn't travel to see my family, I am baking cookies. Jim is sitting here in absolute amazement because I don't think he has ever seen me bake. Cook yes... bake no. I am making chocolate chip cookies and spritz cookies. I made a mess and it is a bit scary, but for the most part they are coming out okay. I screwed up the first recipe by adding the flour first- duh!

I had lunch with my friend Kerry, his son, daughter-in-law, and grandson. It was very cute because the little boy is a huge super hero fan. He loved the fact that I knew what he was talking about. It was also nice, because his dad has a Spider-Man tattoo, and that was common ground. Did I mention I had an excellent hamburger as well?

On that note, I am going to go finish baking and hang out. It is nice to be here but I really miss my family. Maybe next week...

Have a wonderful Christmas and happy holidays!

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