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Baby It's Cold Outside!

Baby It's Cold Outside

This weekend marks the opening of the ski season in the New South Wales ski slopes.. and I have to say.. I can feel the snow from here!!.. An icy wind has been visiting Sydney this week bringing winter with it... and I have finally succumbed to the winter flu that is making it's rounds...   So I thought I'd photoshop my memories to keep warm!! hehe.. 

Being out of action.. I am very late to participate in Kim Klassen's texture tuesday.. This week's challenge was to work  'words' or text into our creations.. Well this was right up my alley [so to speak].. Those of you who have been around for a while know that I can't help but plaster 'words' all over images.. and I've been wanting to create something with these tree branches for eons.. So today I finally put myself to the task..  Although unlike me.. I went 'subtle' hehe....  I've also used a layer of Kim Klassen's 'Luminous' [again!]..  Without a doubt my favourite texture of hers, it often make it's way into my creations since it came to visit.  Thanks Kim for creating such beautiful textures!.. As always you can pop over and see the works of others at Kim's blog [here].

These images today are actually re-created re-runs. The vintage shot of my mamma I posted a few weeks back [here] and the spindly sparsely leafed branches are from some city shots I posted last year!! [here] .. I'm quite besotted with both of these photos at present.. The mamma shot I only recently dug up.. It must have been in my possession for at least a decade yet somehow I don't recall ever seeing it..  I'm quite addicted to playing around with the little nuances and acquainting myself with my mamma as she was as a small girl. It is quite strange to unearth a 'new' photo of her..  I'm sure all of you who have vintage family shots will know what I mean.. They are usually so well known to us and have travelled with us through each stage of our own lives... creating their own unique memories.. Yet this one is new ... A new chapter to add to my memories.

Have A Love Weekend Everyone

Once again I must apologize for my lack of visits..  
I'm such a slacker lately... Slowly but surely I'll be over your way..

Original Photography & Artwork [BeingRuby©]
Textures: A combination of my own textures & 'Luminous' by Kim Klassen
Vintage Photo of My Mother: From The Family Library of [BeingRuby©]

PS.. I just noticed I wrote have a 'LOVE' weekend.. ha.. think I'll leave it that way. Let me know if you do have a 'LOVE' weekend.. then again.. don't!

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