If you are a fan of all things vintage, I invite you to step out of the heat and into my guest room.
The room in my house where vintage pictures grace the walls and ...
mingle happily with vintage linens.
It's also the place where vintage books get along quite nicely with vintage bookends. If you like vintage books I'll let you in on a secret feature in my guest room.
Inside the closet there is a little door and behind that door is ...
my collection of vintage children's books.
These were the books responsible for starting my love of collecting vintage children's books.
When I used to read them to my boys many years ago, I instantly fell in love with the illustrations like this... so happy, so homey, so cozy. Well, you get the idea, don't you?
The talents of the illustrator to capture the sweet innocent beauty of children captured my heart. Are there many things cuter than a little girl's pigtails?
Ever since I discovered that the illustrator was Eloise Wilkin, I've been on the hunt for books containing her wonderful artwork.
Thanks to many years of thrift shopping, I've managed to find quite a few.
Along the way I've discovered a lot more children's books with wonderful illustrations and the collection has grown.
I've often thought of this collection as my little retreat from the real world. The current heatwave has made me retreat inside a little more than I'd like, but it's also given me time to re-visit one of my favorite collections.
So, if you'd like a vintage retreat from the heat, pull up a chair and join me. I'll provide the iced tea.
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