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Pitching a Book

Fun and interesting day. 

Gave a pitch for my nonfiction book on the CCC today to the Friends of Guernsey State Park.

Pitching my book in the CCC Museum in the park
Sold a few books met some great people and got to hang out with others who love the park.
Handing out a few bookmarks

Grateful to see all four of my books are selling a few copies a week. See all my books here!

 Book five will be either my second mystery, this one is sat in modern times, a native Indian and Wyoming Badlands tale or my book of western Christmas stories. Both are finished, but it takes quite a lot of time to get them ready for publication. I want to make sure I get the Christmas stories out on time so will likely do that one next. Depends a bit on how much golf, gardening, and hiking I do when I should be writing. 
View of Brimmer Point from Lakeshore Drive Boat Dock

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