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March Madness at Monty's!!

Folks, please take a minute of your precious time and visit ALL GOOD THINGS where my friend Monty is making an incredible March Madness (Classic Movie Actress Style) - you can go and vote out from several pairs of actresses who you like more. (Pardon, my crummy English but I am going to fall asleep any minute from now. Yeah, that's a good joke! It's because I am tired! No more questions, your honour.)

The 1920ies/30ies votes were done last week - depending on technical difficulties it's still an open competition between Irene Dunne and Carole Lombard..

But this week it is about the 1940ies female film stars

(Veronica Lake did not make it into the list so I can this picture without influencing anyone..) - so please go and visit and make your vote! But please be fair! Do not vote for your personal champion twice or more!

Thank you and: I am so anxious to know who will be the favourite 1940ies actress in blogland! :")

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