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Color Versus Black and White!

Mixed in among a nice lot of color and black and white snapshots from 1959 were these fun examples. I can only assume that both mom and dad had cameras, one with color film, the other B&W. Makes sense, right?

Here's a terrific photo of two cute kids posing with Aunt Jemima in front of her pancake house. I don't know what an ice cream wafflet is, but for only 25 cents, I'll take three!

Apparently our two photographers were standing about 8 feet apart and snapped their photos at almost the same time (notice that Auntie's eyes are open here!). The boy still has his guided tour sticker on his shirt. I can't decide which photo I like better!

In these next two, we see Trinidad, the famous "white wing" surveying the nearly-deserted Town Square. He's done a great job, that street looks spotless!

And here's the companion shot in color. With the exception of the slight change in perspective, they are VERY similar. Notice the Liberty Square facade in the background (It's a lie!), with the Rocket to the Moon peeking up from behind it. Is that Civil War canon still there? I don't recall seeing it.

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