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Far Cry: Vengeance details revealed in podcast

(PC Version shown)

- Renamed Far Cry: Vengeance
- Jump with nunchuck by lifting it

- Slash Wiimote to make a feral attack, nunchuck to hit enmies in the back, ect.
- Move Wiimote forward to zoom
- Slash across screen for knife attack
- Focusing both on graphics and gameplay, not straight port from Xbox versions.
- Unvealed on the 14th.
- Widescreen, 480p
- "Stable 30 FPS, like all prior instincts games"
- Splitscreen multiplayer
- paraphrase: 'We've heard some online information from Nintendo, but we can't comment.' (funny, cause he did. Look below )
- Proposing possibilities to Nintendo Wii24connect
- Single Player: 20+ hours
- "We're testing online right now"
- "Is there a possiblity online play will show up in retail version?" (quick response) "Yep Yep."
- Downloadable content is a possibility.

Link to IGN Wii post

Link to podcast from VGM daily

Sounds like we will be hearing tons more info concerning Far Cry on September 14th at New York, when Nintendo reveals most if not all of the Wii info left to ponder. I'm curious to see how the aiming system will handle after hearing about the new options Ubisoft is giving for the game. Online sounds like it has a really strong chance of happening right out of the gate as well and that just makes the game more worth buying if you ask me. Excited?

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